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The following books have been published by Veduta AŽ so far: |
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192 strani velikega formata
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Ljubljana lepa in prijazna
Prerojena, barvita in živahna Ljubljana je spodbudila enega naših najboljših fotografov Joca Žnidaršiča, da se ji pokloni s knjigo, v kateri bo ujet utrip mesta, njegove znamenitosti in življenjski slog prebivalcev. Zelene črte mesta, arhitekturne dragocenosti, prostore, kjer se tkejo družabne, kulturne in športne človeške vezi, je dokumentiral s stilom in ostrim očesom za detajle. Pri tem so mu pomagali bivši sodelavci, »Delovi« fotografski mojstri in odlična poznavalka slikovitih in privlačnih mestnih ambientov, fotografinja Dunja Wedam. Ljubljana Nice and FriendlyThe regenerated and colourful City of Ljubljana stimulated one of our best photographers Joco Žnidaršič to pay his respects to it with the book embracing the pulse of the city, its attractions and life style of its inhabitants. He documented its green lines, architectural treasures and places where social, cultural and sporting relations are interwoven with style and a keen eye for details. Here he was aided by his former associates, the Delo daily's masters of photography and Dunja Wedam, the superb expert for scenic and attractive city environments. Avtorji fotografij / Photographs by Joco Žnidaršič and 11 slovenian photographers
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192 strani velikega formata
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Najlepša pot - zeleni prstan Ljubljane34 km dolga krožna pot okoli Ljubljane, ki jo je nekoč zaznamovala žica in mesto spremenila v uporno koncentracijsko taborišče, je danes zeleni prstan vedrine, zdravja in sprostitve za mestne prebivalce. V sedmih desetletjih je na njej proslavljalo osvoboditev svojega mesta, hodilo, teklo. Kolesarilo, se smučalo, tekmovalo ali se le sprehajalo milijone ljudi. Prijateljevanje s potjo pa še kar raste. Avtor knjige je prejel nagrado glavnega mesta Ljubljane za leto 2013. The Prittiest path - the green ring of Ljubljana34 kilometres long circular trail around Ljubljana, which was during world war ii marked by barbed wire that altered the city into a rebellious concentration camp, is today a green ring of serenity, health and relaxation for the city's inhabitants. In the last seven decades, millions of people have vivaciously celebrated the liberation of their city by walking, running, cycling, competing or merely walking upon it every day. And this friendship with the path keeps only rising. In 2013 the author of this book received award of the capital city Ljubljana. Avtor fotografij / Photographs by Joco
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192 strani velikega formata
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Slovenija lepotica EvropeNova, všečna, harmonična, barvita podoba Slovenije. Slovenia the Beauty of EuropeNew, amicable, harmonious, colorful picture of Slovenia. Avtor fotografij / Photographs by Joco
Žnidaršič and 30 other slovenian photographers.
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160 strani velikega formata
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Večni BohinjZgodba o prelestnih bohinjskih vodah, mogočnih gorah, letnih časih, arhitekturnih posebnostih, mitih in legendah, pa tudi sportnih doživetjih - pripoved skozi neverjetno očarljive in raznolike svetlobe nad tem slovenskim »božjim ogledalom«. Everlasting BohinjA tale about the magnificent Bohinj waters, mighty mountains, seasons of the year, architectural features, myths and legends, as well as sporting adventures – a narration through incredibly enchanting and diverse lights above this Slovene »mirror of God«. Avtor fotografij / Photographs by Joco
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192 strani
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Dobimo se na tržniciPodobe ene najlepših in najzanimivejših tržnic Evrope, barvitega sobotnega shajališča Ljubljančanov, tudi znanih obrazov kulturnega, političnega in gospodarskega življenja prestolnice. In portreti starih poklicev, ki živijo le še na tržnici. Plečnikova arhitektura. See You at the MarketImages from one of Europe’s loveliest and most interesting markets, which on Saturday turns into a colourful meeting-point of the citizens of Ljubljana, including familiar faces from the capital’s cultural, political and economic life. Portraits of ancient professions which survive only in the market. Architecture by Plečnik. Avtor fotografij / Photographs by Joco
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184 strani
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Slovenski vinogradiPoklon za Slovenijo tako značilni in lepi kulturni krajini, prepojeni s tradicijo, ljubeznijo in posebnimi navadami. Slovene VineyardsA tribute to a beautiful cultural landscape, so typical of Slovenia and interwoven with tradition, love and original customs. Avtor fotografij / Photographs by Joco
Žnidaršič |
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155 strani
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Golf na SlovenskemŠport številka ena bogatega sveta ima tudi pri nas že številna ugledna igrišča v presenetljivih naravnih okoljih. Katera so ta igrišča, kje ležijo in kakšne so njihove značilnosti? Izčrpna in s humorjem prepredena knjiga. Golf in SloveniaIn Slovenia, too, can the number one sport of the well-to-do be enjoyed in several prestigious courses in astonishing natural locations. Which are they, where are they situated and what are their characteristics? An exhaustive book laced with humour. Avtor fotografij / Photographs by Joco
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220 strani
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Deset let je Slovenija državaKnjiga izredne zgodovinske vrednosti obsega okoli 690 fotografij reporterjev časnika Delo, ki v izvirnih podobah ohranjajo spomin na osamosvajanje, na vojno za Slovenijo in na povojne kulturne in športne dosežke ter politične dogotke samostojne Slovenije. Spremna besedila so delo publicistov Borisa Ježa in Željka Kozinca, priključenih pa jim je še 50 osebnih doživetij ljudi, ki so bili globoko vpleteni v dneve slovenskega osamosvajanja. The First Ten YearsThis volume of exceptional historic value contains approximately 690 photographs taken by the reporters of the “Delo” newspaper, which help us memorise the original images of the independence process, the War for Slovenia, post-war cultural and sports achievements, as well as political events in independent Slovenia. The text, written by the publicists Boris Jež and Željko Kozinc, is accompanied by personal recollections of fifty individuals who were deeply involved in the Slovenia’s independence days. Avtor fotografij / Photographs by Joco
Žnidaršič |
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205 strani cena / price |
Moja SlovenijaPoetična fotomonografija: enkratno doživetje Slovenije skozi predan objektiv, ki naredi še tako majhne kotičke naše narave velike in magične. Razdeljena je na štiri velika poglavja, ki jih označujejo elementi: zemlja, voda, les in kamen. Gre torej za štiri svojske in nove osebne izkaznice naše dežele. Slovenija My CountryA poetic photomonograph: a unique experience of Slovenia through a dedicated lens which has the power to make even the slightest nook and cranny of Slovene nature seem grand and magical. The volume is divided into four chapters marked by the elements: earth, water, wood and stone. Slovenia thus acquires four new, original documents of identification. Avtor fotografij / Photographs by Joco
Žnidaršič |
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192 strani
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LipicanciVedutin prispevek k označevanju slovenske identitete ob vstopanju v Evropsko unijo. Ob dolgoletnih obiskih Kobilarne Lipica je avtor z občudovanjem in velikim smislom za opazovanje vzreje in dresure ustvaril poln prispevek k spoznavanju teh veličastnih konj v njihovi naravni in historični zibeli. The Lipizzan HorsesA Veduta’s contribution to the establishment of Slovene identity in view of joining the European Union. After several years of visits to the studfarm Lipica, the admiring author with a good eye for breeding and dressage pays homage to the Lipizzaners with an insight into these magnificent horses in their natural and historic cradle. Avtor fotografij / Photographs by Joco
Žnidaršič |
Serija naštetih knjig predstavlja sklenjeno zbirko o Sloveniji, kakršne nismo imeli. Primerno za poslovna darila, za šolske in splošne knjižnice. Pri naročilu vsaj petih knjig 20-odstotni popust, pri naročilu večjega števila posameznih knjig količinski popust.
The series of the volumes listed above is a complete collection on Slovenia the likes of which have not been available before. Well suited for a business present, as well as for school and other libraries. 20% discount on the order of at least five titles, quantity discount on the order of several volumes of the same title. |
NaročilaKontaktVeduta AŽ, d.o.o. fax: +386 1 517 14 52 email: veduta_az@t-2.net
Cene veljajo od 1. januarja 2018. |